Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good Help Is Hard To Find

They say that good help is hard to find...I don't think this is true. After talking to my friend Mr. Taylor from our X158 Class who gave me the idea of this blog...The help is there and probably has been all along. The question is are you willing to accept the help? I have a cousin named Kala who is messing her life up. She acted out in such a way that got her kicked out of both Terre Haute North and Terre Haute South and was forced to go to McClean the alternative high school. Was this really better? No. While there she still continued to act up and not go to class or do her homework. She often let her homework pile up and then wanted someone to feel sorry for her and help her. Being her older cousin, I did feel sorry for her and helped her with her homework. While my friends wanted to hang with them, I was helping my cousin who couldn't wait to go hang with her friends. In the next few months, homework still piled up. Being in bloomington, I couldn't help her so my friend Kristina did. We all tried to tell her she wouldn't graduate if she didn't change her attitude. She couldn't even hang with the family one day because she had way too much homework. She recently found out that she will not be graduating high school. She still has not told her mom or dad yet. My aunt & uncle have 2 kids...Anthony & Kala. Anthony had 2 kids before he turned 21. My aunt has had a ton of meetings with different people about her daughter. Her kids have put her through it. After all her mom has been through, the least she can do is tell her she isn't graduating. Kristina threatened to tell on her if she doesn't tell her mom by Sunday. This made Kala mad. If anyone should be mad, its me and Kristina. We tried to help her but all she is worried about is her friends and not getting her phone taken away! She has a lot of growing up to do. She will feel it come May when her friends are walking across the stage and she isn't. She does a lot of other things I wont mention but will soon catch up with her. I realize that you can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved. I offered the help and that's all I can do...the rest is up to her. It just sucks that the people you love are the ones that can hurt you the most


  1. You're so right! People will never change until they're ready, despite everyone else's efforts. All you can do is pray that your cousin realizes her mistakes sometime soon and make the necessary changes.

  2. I agree with Kyle-- you've done all you can do. I hate it when I just can't UNDERSTAND why someone refuses to change, but you just keep on, Shayla! :)
