Sunday, February 7, 2010


I haven't been on here in a while but thought I would drop by...Friday I spent three hours working on a paper that I got nowhere with. The paper is a junior level class but I still took it so now im stuck there. The paper isnt due til class tomorrow 6 so I will get right to it...after the Super Bowl ( GO COLTS!) then friday night, my friend wanted to do something to my hair for the big stepshow on saturday so I let her. She only gave me twist while everyone else got a bunch of curls and looked really cute and she wanted me to pay...negative. Also the big snowstorm came which made it really hard to walk back to my room so I just stayed in my friends room...with 2 other friends. It ended up being nowhere to sleep so I just stayed up til 8:30 saturday morning. I slept til about 2 then I got up and went back to my dorm. My roommate is back home in fort wayne but had some friends who wanted to stay over because it was statewide weekend. This kinda made me mad...I had no idea who these girls were and they were going to be staying in the room with me while the roomie was gone...and thats also weird...why would you want to stay in your friends room and she isnt there? but I wasn't going to let that bother me so I got ready for the stepshow and got there early so we wouldnt miss anything and could have really good seats. We got good seats and waited for the show to start at 7. I guess I didnt get the memo because 8 must be the new 7. The show didnt start til 8. After the show was finally over about 11 there was an official after party. Of course after the stepshow we have to stand around and socialize which took another 40 minutes so we didnt get back to my friends room til after 12. After they changed and ate, we walked over to the SRSC to the party. They were charging 10 dollars to get in but luckily for me and my friend, its good to know people! We got in free while many others payed even if they couldnt afford it. To many peoples surprise, the party was over before 2! We weren't even there an hour. The true partiers were highly upset. I felt bad for my terre haute friends and all the ISU people who wasted gas and money for nothing. As we walked back, I went to the library just in time to catch the bus so I wouldnt have to walk at 2 in the morning by myself. There is a song called "the freaks come out at night" I think I witnessed this while on the bus. So many people were drunk and were falling all over the bus. Once I get off the bus, I see cops and the ambulance all around my dorm. I walk to my room where I see the EMS team carrying a girl who cant walk and is arguing with them. It sucks to be her. Im hoping the Colts win so that can be the perfect ending to this down time we always look forward to called the weekend.


  1. Sorry, Shayla . . . not such a perfect ending to the weekend after all :)

  2. you didnt hear? 8 is officially the new 7 now. they had a big meeting about it. get with the times shayla

  3. hahahaha well no zach I didn't know! Wish they would have told me so I could have arrived at 7:45!
